Health & safety guidelines

A NOTE FROM Lucent Crystal Beauty REGARDING COVID-19

  • At Lucent Crystal Beauty, we take hygiene and health safety very seriously. We continue to follow all applicable occupational health and safety regulations every day - regardless of the season. If you are feeling unwell, or have come into contact with anyone who has not felt well, please stay home. We have asked our employees to do the same. Anyone exhibiting obvious signs of illness (fever, coughing, shortness of breath, etc), will be asked to leave immediately and will need to reschedule their appointment. The safety and well-being of others is our top priority. Thank you for helping us to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all of our clients and staff. Stay safe and healthy!


    Glam Fairy Crystal

    What you can expect:

  • We are not requiring masks. Masks are now optional although our employees, despite being fully vaccinated, will be choosing to continue to wear their masks.

  • Upon entering the salon, all persons must immediately wash their hands or use hand sanitizer available at coat/robe stand.

  • In the interest of fewer people and more physical distance and space, we cannot allow any additional guests to tag along to your appointments without prior notice. A limit of one guest per client is enforced unless otherwise approved.

  • As more information comes in and salon adjustments are made, we will provide updates on this page, as well as on our social media.


    At Lucent Crystal Beauty, we go above and beyond all of the mandatory sanitation and health guidelines set forth by the CDC and TDLR.

  • We are requiring all persons to pass our screening criteria (see below)

  • We are making sure to diligently wash hands, sanitize, and disinfect all tools, towels, smocks, and surface areas with proper disinfectants after each client.

  • We are asking clients to monitor their body temperature and indicate on their intake form that their body temp is below 99F.


    Clients, employees, and all persons are NOT ALLOWED in the salon at this time and will be asked to reschedule if the following applies:

  • Has experienced symptoms that of fever, fatigue, difficulty in breathing, or dry cough, or exhibiting any other symptoms relating to COVID-19 or any communicable disease within the last 5 days.

  • You or any member(s) of your household been diagnosed or suspected of being infected with COVID-19 virus within the last 5 days.

  • Has had close contact (without Personal Protective Equipment) with person(s) who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is suspected of having COVID-19 in the last 5 days.

    We thank you for your patience & compassion during this.


    Lucent Crystal Beauty